Dates for your diary:
Every Wednesday in term time, 10am - 11:30am: Little Wrigglers at St Bart’s. A friendly baby & toddler group for parents/carers & children. The last meeting this term is on 18th December.
6th April: Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) for St Lawrence with St Swithun Parish after the morning service at St Lawrence.
9th April from 12.30 - 1.15pm: Reflections and Connections - beautiful music in an oasis of peace and calm at St Lawrence Church. Free to attend, but donations benefit the Winchester Hospice.
13th April: APCM for St Bartholomew Parish after the morning service at St Bartholomew’s.
13th April from 12.30pm: Palm Sunday Lunch in the St Lawrence Parish Room, Colebrook Street. Come along to enjoy soup, bread, cheese and fruit. All are welcome. No need to book, just turn up! Donations to Christian Aid.
20th April: Easter Day
23rd April from 12.30 - 1.15pm: Reflections and Connections - beautiful music in an oasis of peace and calm at St Lawrence Church. Free to attend, but donations benefit the Winchester Hospice.
24th April at 7pm: The first of the 2025 Art@St Bart’s lecture series, featuring milliner and textile artist, Bridget Bailey. For information and tickets, click HERE.
30th April from 12.30 - 1pm: Space in the City - the first of four talks on the topic of ‘The Wessex Way - a Spirituality for all’. The first talk is given by The Revd Richard Carter, Associate Vicar, St Martin in the Fields, and reflects on ‘Serving’. No charge, but donations very welcome.
7th May from 12.30 - 1pm: Space in the City - the second of four talks on the topic of ‘The Wessex Way - a Spirituality for all’. This talk is given by The Revd Canon Angela Tilby, a former BBC radio and television producer, writer and broadcaster, and reflects on ‘Loving’. No charge, but donations very welcome.
14th May from 12.30 - 1pm: Space in the City - the third of four talks on the topic of ‘The Wessex Way - a Spirituality for all’. This talk is given by William Howard LLM, a Licensed Lay Minister and Licensed Ministry Training Tutor for the Winchester diocese, and reflects on ‘Learning’. No charge, but donations very welcome.
21st May from 12.30 - 1pm: Space in the City - the final talk of the series on the topic of ‘The Wessex Way - a Spirituality for all’. This talk is given by The Revd Canon Dr Peter Lippiett, retired GP and Anglican priest, and reflects on ‘Growing’. No charge, but donations very welcome.
22nd May at 7pm: The second of the 2025 Art@St Bart’s lecture series, featuring Lida and Roxanne Kindersley, fine lettering and design artists. For information and tickets, click HERE.
19th June at 7pm: The third and final lecture in the 2025 Art@St Bart’s lecture series, featuring sculptor and decorative plasterworker, Geoffrey Preston. For information and ticket, click HERE.
Coffee Mornings
St Lawrence Church,
10am 1st Friday of the month
St Bartholomew’s Church,
10.30am 2nd Tuesday of the month