Dates for your diary:
Every Wednesday in term time, 10am - 11:30am: Little Wrigglers at St Bart’s. A friendly baby & toddler group for parents/carers & children. The last meeting this term is on 18th December.
4th January at 12 noon: Burial of Brigitte Gardner at St Michaels Passage.
8th January at 10.30am: BCP Holy Communion at St Lawrence.
14th January at 10.30am: Coffee Morning at St Bartholomew.
14th January at 12 noon: Wedding of Chris Pilgrim and Barrie Dey at St Lawrence.
19th January at 2pm: Baptism of Ronan Guzel at St Swithun.
1st February at 10am: Coffee Morning at St Lawrence.
5th February at 10.30am: BCP Holy Communion at St Lawrence.
7th February at 10am: Coffee Morning at St Lawrence.
18th February at 10.30am: Coffee Morning at St Bartholomew.
Coffee Mornings
St Lawrence Church,
10am 1st Friday of the month
St Bartholomew’s Church,
10.30am 2nd Tuesday of the month